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AR Rice, TD Durowaye, ATM Konkle, Exploring online reproductive health promotion in Canada: A focus on behavioral and environmental influences from a sex and gender perspective. BMC Public Health. 2024, 20;24(1):1647.


S Shaw-Churchill*, KP Phillips. The pandemic experiences of Ontario perinatal providers: a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. 2023, 23:1057  *MSc student supervised by KP


NL Soucy†, RM Terrell†, RA Chedid*, KP Phillips. Best practices in prenatal health promotion: Perceptions, experiences, and recommendations of Ottawa, Canada prenatal key informants. Women’s Health. 2023, †BHSc research assistant, *MSc student supervised by KP


TD Durowaye†, AR Rice*, ATM Konkle, KP Phillips. Public health perinatal promotion during COVID-19 pandemic: A social media analysis. 2022. BMC Public Health. 22(1):895. †BHSc student supervised by KP. *MSc student co-supervised by AK, KP.


E Gareau*, KP Phillips. Sexual behaviors at home and abroad: An online survey of Canadian young adult travelers. 2022. BMC Public Health. 22(1):967 *MSc student co-supervised by KP.


S Syed†, TL O’Sullivan, KP Phillips . Extreme heat and pregnancy outcomes: A scoping review of the epidemiological evidence. 2022. Int J Environ Res Public Health 19(4):2412. doi: 10.3390/ijerph19042412. †BHSc student supervised by TO, KP


E Gareau*, KP Phillips. Key informant perspectives on sexual health services for travelling young adults. A qualitative study. 2022. BMC Health Services Research. 22(1):145 *MSc student co-supervised by KP.


C-C Kengneson*, R Blanchet, D Sanou, M Batal, KP Phillips, I Giroux. Maternal perceptions and concerns about children’s weight status and diet quality: a study among Black immigrant families. 2021. Public Health Nutrition. 1-14. doi: 10.1017/S1368980021004729. *MSc student co-supervised by KP.


RM Terrell†, NL Soucy†, RA Chedid*, KP Phillips. Ottawa prenatal educator e-survey: Experiences and perceptions of public health nurses and allied childbirth educators. J Edu Health Promot 2021, 10:161 doi:10.4103/jehp.jehp_734_20  †BHSc research assistant, *MSc student supervised by KP


TL O’Sullivan, KP Phillips . From SARS to Pandemic Influenza - The Framing of High-Risk Populations. 2019. Natural Hazards.


RA Chedid*, KP Phillips. Best Practices for the Design, Implementation and Evaluation of Prenatal Health Programs (2019). Matern Child Health J. 2019 Jan;23(1):109-119. *MSc student supervised by KP.


RA.Chedid*, RM. Terrell†, KP Phillips. (2018) Best practices for online Canadian prenatal health promotion: A public health approach. Women Birth. 31(4):e223-e23  *MSc student. †BHSc research assistant supervised by KP


E O’Reilly†, M Sevigny†, K-A Sabarre†, KP Phillips. (2014) Perspectives of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practitioners in the support and treatment of infertility. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 2014. 14:394. †BHSc research assistants supervised by KP 


O Remes†, AN Whitten†, K-A Sabarre†, KP Phillips. (2013) Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and vaccines: Ottawa university students’ knowledge, awareness and vaccine intentions. Journal of Genital System & Disorders.  †BHSc research assistants supervised by KP


AN Whitten†, O Remes† K-A Sabarre†, Z Khan†, KP Phillips. (2013). Canadian university students’ perceptions of future personal infertility. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 3:561-568. †BHSc research assistants supervised by KP


K-A Sabarre,† Z Khan,† AN Whitten,† O Remes,† KP Phillips. (2013). A qualitative study of Ottawa university students' awareness, knowledge and perceptions of infertility, infertility risk factors and assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Reproductive Health. 10:41. †BHSc research assistants supervised by KP


O Remes†, AN Whitten†, K-A Sabarre†, KP Phillips (2012). University students’ perceptions of environmental risks to infertility  . Sexual Health, 9(4):377-383.  †BHSc research assistants supervised by KP


KP Phillips, TL O’Sullivan, D Dow, C Amaratunga. (2011). Infectious respiratory disease outbreaks and pregnancy: Occupational health and safety concerns of Canadian nurses. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 26(2):114-121.


KP Phillips, A Martinez. (2010). Sexual and reproductive health education: Contrasting teachers, health partners and former students’ perspectives. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 101(5):374-379. *co-corresponding authors.


KP Phillips, N Tanphaichitr. (2010). Mechanisms of obesity-induced male infertility. Expert Review Endocrinology and Metabolism. 5(2):229-251.


E O’Connor, T O’Sullivan, C Amaratunga, P Thille, KP Phillips, M Carter, L Lemyre. (2009) Risk Communication with nurses during infectious disease outbreaks: Learning from SARS. Journal of Emergency Management, 7(5): 48-56.


A Martinez, KP Phillips. (2009) La promotion de l’équité en éducation sexuelle dans les écoles secondaires de la région de la capitale nationale. [Promotion of equity in secondary school sexual education in the National Capital Region] Canadian Journal of Education. 32(1):60-86.


TL O'Sullivan, CA Amaratunga, KP Phillips, W Corneil, E O'Connor, L Lemyre, D Dow. (2009) If schools are closed, who will watch our kids? … Family caregiving and other sources of role conflict among nurses during large scale outbreaks. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 24(4):317-321.


Q Yang, SW Wen, K Phillips, L Oppenheimer, D Black, MC Walker. (2009) Comparison of maternal risk factors between placental abruption and placenta previa.  American Journal of Perinatology. 26(4):279-86.


A Martinez, KP Phillips. 2008. Preface: Adolescent sexual and reproductive health. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 17(3):iii.


A Martinez, KP Phillips*. (2008) Challenging ethno-cultural and sexual inequities: An intersectional feminist analysis of Ottawa teachers, health partners and university students’ views on adolescent sexual and reproductive rights. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 17(3):141-159. *co-corresponding authors.


TL O’Sullivan, D Dow MC Turner, L Lemyre, W Corneil, D Krewski, KP Phillips, CA Amaratunga. (2008). Disaster and emergency management: Canadian nurses’ perceptions of preparedness on hospital front lines  Prehospital and Disaster Medicine; 23(3):s11-8


KP Phillips, WG Foster (2008). Preface- Endocrine toxicants and human health risks. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 11(3-4):149-151.


KP Phillips, N Tanphaichitr. (2008) Human exposure to endocrine disrupters and semen quality.  Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 11(3-4):188-220.


F Salehi§, MC Turner, KP Phillips, D Wigle, D Krewski, K Aronson. (2008). Review of the etiology of breast cancer with special attention to the potential role of organochlorines as potential endocrine disrupters. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 11(3-4):276-300. §research assistant supervised by KP.


F Salehi, L Dunfield, KP Phillips, D Krewski, B Vanderhyden. (2008). Risk factors for ovarian cancer: An overview with emphasis on hormonal factors. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 11(3-4):301-321.


KP Phillips, WG Foster. (2008). Key developments in endocrine disrupter research and human health. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 11(3-4):322-344.


M Tyshenko, KP Phillips, M Mehta, R Poirier, WL Leiss. (2008). Risk communication of endocrine disrupting chemicals: The internet as an emerging tool for improving knowledge translation and transfer. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 11(3-4):345-350.


KP Phillips, V Sahni§, N Karyakina, M Turner, W Foster, W Leiss, S Kacew, D Krewski (2008). Assessing and managing risks of endocrine disrupting chemicals. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health. 11(3-4):351-372. §research assistant supervised by KP.


E O'Connor, KP Phillips*. (2007). Developing a public health web game to complement traditional education methods in the classroom.  MERLOT, Journal of Online Learning and Teaching. 3(3):257-264. *contributed equally to this manuscript.


CA Amaratunga, TL O’Sullivan, KP Phillips, L Lemyre, E O'Connor, W Corneil, W, D Dow. (2007). Ready aye ready? Support mechanisms for health care workers in institutional emergency planning: gap analysis of three hospital emergency plans. Journal of Emergency Management, July/August, 23-38. ** Also published in American Journal of Disaster Medicine at the invitation of the publisher, in recognition of its quality and relevance. CA Amaratunga, TL O’Sullivan, KP Phillips, L Lemyre, E O'Connor, W Corneil, W, D Dow. (2007). Ready, aye ready? Support mechanisms for health care workers in emergency planning: a critical gap analysis of three hospital emergency plans. American Journal of Disaster Medicine 2(4):195-210.


TL O’Sullivan, CA Amaratunga, J Hardt, D Gibson, KP Phillips, W Corneil. (2007). Are we ready?  Evidence of support mechanisms for Canadian health care workers in multi-jurisdictional emergency planning. Canadian Journal of Public Health.  98(5):358-363.


KP Phillips, MAF Petrunewich, JL Collins, JM Baltz. (2002).  The intracellular pH-regulatory HCO3-/Cl- exchanger in the mouse oocyte is inactivated during first meiotic metaphase and reactivated after egg activation via the MAP kinase pathway. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 13(11): 3800-3810.


KP Phillips, MAF Petrunewich, JL Collins, RA Booth, XJ Liu, JM Baltz. (2002). Inhibition of MEK or cdc2 kinase parthenogenetically activates mouse eggs and yields the same phenotypes as mos-/- parthenogenotes. Developmental Biology. 247(1):210-23.


CL Steeves, M Lane, B Bavister, KP Phillips, JM Baltz. (2001). Intracellular pH regulation in mouse 2-cell embryos by the Na+/H+ antiporter. Biology of Reproduction. 65(1):14-22.


KP Phillips, M-C Léveillé, P Claman, JM Baltz (2000). Intracellular pH regulation in human preimplantation embryos. Human Reproduction. 15(4):896-904.


KP Phillip, JM Baltz (1999). Intracellular pH regulation by HCO3-/Cl- exchange is activated during early mouse zygote development. Developmental Biology. 208:392-405.


KP Phillips, W Zhou, JM Baltz (1998). Are intracellularly-loaded ion-sensitive fluorophores toxic to mouse eggs and zygotes? Zygote. 6:113-123.


KP Phillips, JM Baltz (1996). An intracellular pH change does not accompany egg activation in the mouse. Molecular Reproduction & Development. 45:52-60.


JM Baltz, Y Zhao, KP Phillips (1995). Intracellular pH and its regulation during fertilization and early embryogenesis. Theriogenology. 44:1133-1144.

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